
This is the day 9 of #30 days of javascrip coding, at this day I studied the Type Coercion and number and  i learned that
1-  type Coercion  is the process of converting data from one type to another while the code runs logically
2- If there is a situation in which I want to combine the variable A with the variable B Here the programming language will treat the variable a as a string and the + as a concatenate sign So the result will be in the form of a String
3- In JavaScript, all numbers are treated with double precision
4-It makes the numbers clearer and easier to understand through underscore sign
5-This is an example of the number million, which means 1 with 6 zeros next to it. The function of Sugar Syntactic is to clarify and facilitate the reading of this number. When the number is written in this way, it is read very easily and is recognized as a million.
6- Also, if you wrote the number million using floating or decimal numbers and wrote In the end, a mark and  zero will also result in a million, because the last zero will have no value
That's all I learned today 


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