
        Hello  This is the day 23  of #30 days of javascrip coding, at this day  I studied  Loop – Do, While Lesson  Lesson   i learned that 1-  The Do-While command tells the code that it compulsorily executes something first and then checks the condition. 2- This means that when I used the while or the for code, the code would perform a check at the beginning for the condition, if True, the loop would execute until it became False. 3-  But in the case of Do–While, I let the code execute forcedly first 4- The written code means that by saying Do I do this command first and then I use the while to make it check the condition. 5- First, it will print the value of i, which is 0. After that, increment will be obtained through  i ++. 6-  After that, it goes to the condition that I set to false so that it does not complete the looping. It executes only do. 7- After that, I typed the “i” again to make sure that he typed the “0” for the first time. After that, the increment happened. T hat
      Hello  This is the day 22  of #30 days of javascrip coding, at this day  I studied  Loop – While Lesson   i learned that 1-  The While Loop is similar to the For Loop in general loop performance, but the Syntax is slightly different in its shape, but the result from both is the same. 2- In the loop while, at the beginning the variable defines in the stage called initialization 3-  The while next to it is the condition, which as long as it is True , the loop remains running 4-  After that, printing is done, and then the increment process is completed, which is called Final Expression. Without its presence, the loop will remain running forever because it is responsible for increasing the value of the index until it reaches a stage where the condition is False and its fulfillment stops. 5- It is possible, if i would like, to break it as soon as the loop reaches a number. T hat's what I learned today  and this is the codes i have typed
  Hello  This is the day 21  of #30 days of javascrip coding, at this day  I studied  Loop – For and The Concept Of Loop Lesson   i learned that 1-   The Loop is used to save time, meaning instead of writing with your hand, for example, the numbers from 0 to 9. Every time you will need to write a code and repeat it ten times in a row, each time changing the number. 2- n the case of the for-loop, you write a single line that can print from 0 to 9. We will know how this happens. The first thing we will see is the syntax of the for-loop in the following lines. 3-  First, I do something called initialize, which will start the code from there. In the case of our example, the starting point will be from 0. 4- Secondly, I write a condition whose purpose is to be fulfilled. Have you reached number 9 or not yet? If you continue repeating until you reach the fulfillment of the condition and then stop, the condition will be fulfilled. 5- The third stage is in which I confirm that the increase has
      Hello  This is the day 20  of #30 days of javascrip coding, at this day  I studied  Searching Array   Lesson   i learned that 1-  The first thing I need to do is indexOf without specifying where the search will start. The result will be that it will find the element. It becomes the first name and its indexing is 0. 2- Using the indexOf with a selection, we will start the search from index 2. The result will be that the element has the last name and its indexing is 4. 3-  For LastIndexOf, it is used to search from the last to the first. This means that it will start the search from the end of the array and find the element at the end. Then, the normal count of the index will start from the beginning until it reaches the last index, which will be numbered 4. 4-  I use includes to ask whether this array contains the element? If, oh, it remains True, even if it does not, then it remains False 5- We can use If Condition here to test whether the element exists or not. If it exists, pri
    Hello  This is the day 19  of #30 days of javascrip coding, at this day  I studied  Add And Remove From Array Lesson   i learned that 1-  The unshift is used to add items to the array at the beginning, meaning the names will be added at the beginning of the array 2- Push is used to add items to the array at the end. This means that the names will be added at the end of the array. 3-  The shift is used to remove the first item from the array, meaning the first name will be removed from the array. 4-  You can store the item that was deleted in a variable, call that variable, and print the value in it, which is the deleted item. 5- The pop is used to remove the last item from the array. This means that the last name in the array will be removed. I can store the name that was created in a variable and call it.   T hat's what I learned today  and this is the codes i have typed
    Hello  This is the day 18  of #30 days of javascrip coding, at this day  I studied  Array Big Introduction   and  i learned that 1-  The array  is created by using brackets square [ ] and contains data inside it that is separated by the Comma sign. 2- If I want to access a specific element inside the Array, this is done by indexing the element in the sequence. 3-  It is possible to access a specific letter within a word or a number within an array 4-  It is possible to replace a word with another word within the array without changing the array and without an error message appearing. 5- It is also possible to modify the nested loop with other names and change the content of the array T hat's what I learned today  and this is the codes i have typed  
  Hello  This is the day 17  of #30 days of javascrip coding, at this day  I studied  Switch Statement   and  i learned that 1-  Very simply, I can use the Switch Statement. I can use it to make Control Flow like If && Else If. 2- The difference between them is that the If Condition is closer to using it than the Boolean Values, meaning the result of the code is waiting for True to fulfill the condition or False to fulfill another condition. 3-  However, it is preferable to use the Switch Statement if you have a lot of cases or very many cases, such as if you use Control Flow in which the days of the entire month are in, the name of each day, and so on. T hat's what I learned today and this is the codes i have typed