
Showing posts from October, 2023
  Hello  This is the day 14  of #30 days of javascrip coding, at this day  I studied  If Condition  and  i learned that 1-  Very simply put, the course of the code or the final result depends on more than one condition, meaning there will be more than one condition in the code (Condition 1 - Condition 2 - Condition 3). If the first condition is met, it will be taken into account, and if it is not met, in this case we resort to the second condition, and if it is not met We resort to the third condition, and if it is not met, no result will appear because none of the three conditions are met 2- In the first case, I made a condition and asked: Is there a Discount? If I look at the variable of discount, I will find that it is false. If the condition is not met, we will resort to the next condition. 3-  The second case: Is the user from Egypt? If I looked at a variable in country, I would find that it was KSA, not Egypt. Also, the second condition was not met 4-  The third case: Is this per
  Hello  This is the day 13  of #30 days of javascrip coding, at this day  I studied  Comparison Operators  and   i learned that 1- In this lesson, i learned about comparison signs or operators, which have a very important role in the world of conditioning and decision-making. 2- The equal sign (=) is used to assign a specific value to a specific variable 3-  The purpose of the (==) is to compare values to each other, even if their types are different 4-  The (=!) means not Equal and the result appears as true or false 5-  The (===) means a complete match, and the Identical here you are comparing the value and also the data type. and the result appears as true or false 6-  In the case of Identical not or the ( ==! ) The question is whether this value and its type match this value and its type or not  and the result appears as true or false 7-there are another  Comparison Operators such as the  greater than sign ,  the less than sign, t he  greater than or equal sign and  the less than
  Hello  This is the day 12  of #30 days of javascrip coding, at this day  I studied  String Methods  and   i learned that 1-  As we previously learned about Number Methods, today we will learn String Methods 2- The index represents the number for the location or location of each item within the sequence, and the sequence is the sequence of data, meaning that the first code that has the letters inside it is a sequence of data. 3- Each of the elements or data present within this sequence has a number or location. This is specifically the index. The beginning of the Index count is from zero. 4-  After that, the method is called charAt() and it means Position at Character, meaning you give it a specific Position and it will return to you the Character inside this position. 5-  If i want to count the number of elements in a String, i will use something called length, the purpose of which is to count the number of elements in the Sequence. 6-  The method after that is trim(), which in turn
      Hello  This is the day 11  of #30 days of javascrip coding, at this day  I studied the  Math Object  and   i learned that 1-  Just as we talked previously about the Function Number and the properties within it that can be used to deal with numbers, today we will talk about the Object Math, which contains properties or tools that can be used to implement various tasks. 2-The first of these features or tools is round() function, which is mainly intended to round decimal numbers to the nearest whole number based on the number after the sign. 3- There are two other types of tools: the ceil and the floor, and here there is a fundamental difference between them 4- The ceil is an indication of the ceiling, that is, rounding to the largest value, regardless of the number after the decimal point 5- The floor is a reference to the floor, meaning rounding to the smallest value, regardless of the number after the decimal point 6- There are two other types of Math properties, min and max  7- 
      Hello  This is the day 10  of #30 days of javascrip coding, at this day  I studied the  Number Methods  and   i learned that 1-   Very simply, within the Number Function there are methods and properties that I use with this Function to implement a specific procedure or behavior. 2- The purpose of the tostring() function   is to convert a Number to a String and it has two ways of writing 3- tofixed function(2) Its purpose is to show only two decimal numbers instead of showing all five of these decimal numbers. 4- parseint() function The purpose of this method is to analyze the number written in the form of a string and convert it to a number, as the word parse means analysis and the int refers to Integer 5- There is another type of method called parseFloat(). Its purpose is to return numbers that contain fractions as they were 6-  isInteger() function purpose is to perform a check on the code and return the result, whether true or false T hat's all I learned today 
    Hello  This is the day 9  of #30 days of javascrip coding, at this day  I studied the  Type Coercion and number and   i learned that 1-  type  Coercion   is the process of converting data from one type to another while the code runs logically 2-  If there is a situation in which I want to combine the variable A with the variable B  Here the programming language will treat the variable a as a string and the + as a  concatenate  sign  So the result will be in the form of a String 3-  In JavaScript, all numbers are treated with double precision 4- It makes the numbers clearer and easier to understand through underscore sign 5- This is an example of the number million, which means 1 with 6 zeros next to it. The function of Sugar Syntactic is to clarify and facilitate the reading of this number. When the number is written in this way, it is read very easily and is recognized as a million. 6- Also, if you wrote the number million using floating or decimal numbers and wrote  In the end, a
  Hello  This is the day  8 of #30 days of javascrip coding, at this day  I studied the  Arithmetic Operators  i learned that 1-  the  Arithmetic Operators  are symbols for mathematical operations such as addition operation 2- in addition operation Only arithmetic numbers must be collected 3-  in addition operation If we replace the arithmetic numbers with string here, it will not be an arithmetic operation because the + will be treated as a way to  concatenation 4-in Subtraction  operation  If you use texts with numbers  the computer understands that it is a mathematical operation even though it is illogical and there is no room to calculate the result. 5-There are other types of mathematical operations such as:There are other types of arithmetic operations, such as multiplication,  division, Exponentiation  operations 6-There is another type of arithmetic operation called Modulus (Division Remainder) and It is a special case of division T hat's all I learned today
  Hello  This is  the day 7  of #30 days of javascrip coding, at this day  I studied  String Syntax And Character Escape Sequences  and  i learned that 1-The purpose of this part is to learn how to write string or texts and how can I ignore  specific  character In principle 2- string can be written between double qu otes or single quotes 3- double quotes or single quotes  are originally two signs that belong to the programming language itself, but if I wanted to write String as an example sentence and there was a word in it that I would like to highlight or put between quotation marks, a problem will occur here and we will overcome it in the following lines. 4-  The first solution to the problem is that if the text is written between double quotes, it must be the word that you want to highlight  must be inside single quotes  Here we will encounter the same problem as the first one we talked about above, and the solution will be using the \ operator Escape  Its purpose is to put the \ b
  Hello  This is  the sixth day  of #30 days of javascrip coding, at this day  I studied the identifiers and  i learned that 1-identifier   is the name of the variable which  was created  Therefore, you must create a correct name free of problems 2-  There are rules for creating the name of variables, which we will learn about in the following lines 3-  First, spaces in the variable name are not allowed and will be not valid 4-  It is not allowed to start the identifier name with numbers,  But we can add the number in the middle or end of the name 5- You can start your variable name with an underscore sign "_" and  It can be placed in the middle or at the end of a name 6- If your name has only one name, then the first letter in it should not be Capital. Small should be better 7-  The name of the identifier is very sensitive, so you must take care of the letters, whether they are capital or small That's all I learned today
Hello  This is the fifth day of #30 days of javascrip coding, at this day i learned that 1-  variable is a big  container that has a name and contains data or values with it 2-  The variable is created by a process called declaration  It is done through syntax with keyword called var 3-  First we write keyword  Through which we declare the variable and then write an appropriate name for the variable 4- after that  We associate the name of the variable with the value we give to it 5-we can declare  More than one variable in one line   6- The variable must be declared before it is used so that an error message does not come in console in which it is written as undefined  T his is the codes that i learn      
Hello  This is the fourth day of #30 days of javascrip coding, at this day i learned that 1- I used console.log(type of " ") function To identify the type of data that was printed  2- I learned that there are many types of data We will learn about it in the following lines 3- The first type of data called string and It must be written in  double quotes mark  4- The second type of data called number and It should not be written in double quotes mark So as not to be treated like string 5-The third type of data called object in a form of array                       6- The fourth type of data called object a nd his type is object object  and his type is object                                                                               7- There are other types of data such as boolean value an undefined and null                                                                                                   T his is the codes that i used
Hello  This is the third day of #30 days of javascrip coding, at this day i learned that 1-I used the alert function to warn the user about a  specific message 2- I used document.write function  to write massage that appears on the user screen  but it is not the best tool to do that job 3- I used console.log function to print a massage on the console to check the code  4- I used console.error function  to write error massage that appears on the user screen when there is  Error in the code 5-I used console.table to print data Printing data that written in the form of a array or in the form of a table with each element numbered. this is the codes that i used
hello this is the second day of #30 days of javascrip coding, at this day i learned that 1-javascript is scripting or programming language that working on client side and server side   2- javascript can implement complex features on a web page by making it interactive  3- by using javascript i can dynamically update content , manipulating html and css and i can animate images and content and create image gallery 4- i can use javascript in different fields such as mobile apps , web browser games 5- i can use comments in javascript to clarify what the code can do and Facilitating the process of understanding it  6-there are different type of comment such as single line comment , multiple line commend and  i learned the uses of them this is the codes that i used
Hello everyone my name is Mohamed Saeed and this is my blog I decided to made this blog to develope my self at coding by learning javascript language with ENG Osama Mohamed and i will share it with hashtage #30 days of javascript coding In those 30 days i will learn javascript language and i will share what i learn and the problems that i will face and what i will do to overcome this problems  I have already set up the work environment and tools that i well use to learn javascript. Finally, i want to thank  Doctor Ahmed Hamed who teach my creative thinking and communication  because he inspired and motivated me to learn new skill and develope my self